Standardized tests are not always meaningful to the students. So, teachers struggle to motivate them to take these tests. Despite that, the pressure of accountability for exam scores increases for both students and teachers.
Focusing on achievements in past tests, even small ones, can be an excellent strategy for motivation. For that, we took a closer look at data and found reasons for teachers and students to celebrate their efforts.
"Boas notícias" (good news) is a data-based campaign to engage the school community in standardized tests.
Finding reasons to celebrate
Each school received three "good news." It could be a great score on a specific discipline, a better participation rate on the exam, or even a slight improvement on a single topic.

5,000 educators from 300 schools received good news to celebrate.
To facilitate the sharing, we created personalized landing pages where schools could download images to post on their social media or share them directly via WhatsApp.
We decided to use WhatsApp mainly because it was already largely used at schools for student and teacher communication.
The engagement rate was high, and we received a lot of positive feedback from teachers and school communities.
My role
Overall Design
Development (Rafael Meneses)